Monday, February 21, 2011

Got Milk?

Enjoying a glass of healthy milk! Tyler loves school, he loves to learn things, and he loves to share his knowledge! In school they are learning what foods are healthy and which are junk foods. He tells me everyday at lunch to give him healthy choices to eat. He explained to me that milk is good for you and gives you strong bones. Then he has me feel his bones. He said that cows like milk. I explained that cows don't drink milk that we get milk from cows. Tyler said, "No Grandma, you are wrong. You go to Kroger's to get milk!" And I guess both statements are true. I tried to explain that farmers get milk from cows then sell it to the grocery stores. But Tyler said I was still wrong and that Farmer Grandpa gets his milk from the cow's butt. So there you have where we get milk from in the eyes of a 4 year old. Guess I am never to old to learn.
Grandma Kerr

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Great Grandma Freddie

Grandma Freddie feeding Mason Tyler watching over Mason.
They are talking.
Tyler, Grandma, Mason and Grandma Freddie
A few weeks ago Tyler, Mason, Mommy and Grandma went to Great Grandma Freddie's house for a visit. Tyler was excited because Freddie was taking us out to eat at one of his favorite restaurants "the Dinner Store" -aka- Bob Evans.
Freddie may be 90 years old, but she is in wonderful health and acts like a much younger lady. She wanted to hold Mason as soon as we walked into her house and had no trouble handling him. Of course big brother told her to burp him and when to put the pacifier in Mason's mouth. Tyler is very protective of Mason! Freddie didn't want to neglect Tyler either, so she got down on the floor and played some with him also. Freddie enjoyed our visit but I am sure she was happy when her home was quiet again. We will visit her again soon. Such a sweet sweet lady.
Grandma Kerr


Tyler and a baby Tyrannosaurus Rex Tyler feeding a goat.
Tyler and the Triceratops
Tyler and a Spinasaurus.
Mason enjoying the dinosaurs in his own way.
All little boys love dinosaurs and today Tyler was on Cloud 9. Tyler, Mason, Mommy and Grandma went to the Ohio Expo Center to see the Dinosaur Exhibit. Grandma had trouble trying to pronounce the names of the dinosaurs, but Tyler could help out. He knows most of their names and can pronounce them. He knows what most of them eat and who fights who. And we can thank Great Aunt Kathy for the wonderful book she gave Tyler for that's where all his dinosaur knowledge comes from.
We saw many different types like: Spinasurus, Parasaurolophus, Triceratops, Protoceratops, Stegosaurus ,Pachycephelosaurs just to name a few. Being the brave person Tyler is, he wouldn't stand next to a dinosaur that was to much taller than him! He said he was scared of them. We tried to explain they were only statutes and not real but that didn't matter. But when we went to the Petting Zoo he wasn't afraid to hand feed a big black pig or the goats. Go figure. But Tyler did have a great time looking at all the dinosaurs and he "looked" at the tall ones from afar. But the one thing he wanted to see that wasn't there was a Volcano. He was very disappointed in that because in his books there is always pictures of volcano's with the dinosaurs.
Mason also had a good time . . . . he slept the whole time we were there. It was a fun day. Grandma Kerr